Moods, Movies and Memes


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All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday. In today’s podcast we talk about the Nook, Facebook’s mood study, Wiffy vs Wifi, Soundcloud, the fault in our stars, Jessica Turner and Helena Spensatelli



Helena Spensatelli John Green

Mentioned Article:
Helena Spensatelli – cooking school Murfreesboro

Blog: SaucyGirlsKitchen
Twitter: @SaucyGirlCooks
Instagram: Saucy Instagrams

John Green
Mentioned Article:
The fault in our stars movie

Blog: John Green Books
Books: John Green Books
Twitter: @JohnGreen

[Tweet Sometimes “No” changes the world as seen by Brooke Birmingham & Rosa Parks via @amplifypodcast”]

Jessica Turner – swimsuit article

Facebook Mood Study

The Atlantic Tech Pronunciation study

Soundcloud – Lordes got a hit song

Nook gets canned by Barnes & Nobles


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