How to Add the Facebook Like Button – A Daunting Decision

Please "like" me

So I added the Facebook Like Button to my site today. And now I’ve got a couple hundred posts that haven’t been “liked”.  I wonder if I was better off a few moments  ago.  (pssst. . . I include “how to add the Facebook like button” at the end of this post.)

Contrary to the advice I give clients about starting Facebook Fan Pages, I didn’t tell anyone about it before adding it to the site. And let me tell you how embarrassingly awkward it looks when every single posts has the words “Be the first to like this”. . .  Arghhh. . .

So my mom came to the rescue and “liked” a few posts.  That’s what moms are for “Doncha know?” Now I’m wondering, will the “like” button cut down on the comments section? Will it actually increase the number of people who do something when they’re here – the ones who don’t even comment.  Maybe it’s just me. . . I’m curious.

So think about this daunting move before you decide to create a Facebook fan page or even add the button to your company site.  Fan pages are a bit “delicate” when it comes to the start up.  Ever show up at a fancy restaurant only to find you’re the only one there? What kind of impression does that give you?

So if you’re going to learn how to add the Facebook button with the intention of doing it, contact some of your existing fans and see if they’ll “Like” you before you announce the change. Don’t press the button yourself or get all the employees in the office to do it – ask your clients, fans and vendors. They’ll like it that you “owe” them one, anyway.

If you can get 10 people to “like” your blog post or 50 people to join your Facebook Fan Page before you really announce it, you’ll be looking really good. That ball will start rolling downhill immediately – and no one will feel awkward being the first.

OK, so how to add the Facebook Like Button to your blog – you can do one of two things. You can go to “plugins” and search for “Facebook Like button” or you can e-mail me and I’ll send you the zip file. But please, before you go, please, please, please. . . . press the “like button”.

You’ll make my mom happy. 🙂


  1. Terri Brooks Avatar
    Terri Brooks

    I Like the “Like” button! Of course, I liked Become a Fan, but the Facebook guys didn’t ask my opinion before they made the big switch. 🙂

    You know I love Fan Pages and offer that as a service through my business. It’s just a great way to connect with your clients and potential clients and allow direct communications, plus fan pages are indexed in the search engines now along with Twitter posts.

    I clicked the “Like” button for you Dan. I liked your post…I really liked it! 🙂


  2. Krisna Avatar

    You’re too funny! VERY LIKE!! Personally, I could care less about starting out and not getting much in return. I’m “out there” for me, and if even one person gets something out of it, whether they LIKE it or not, doesn’t change what I’m about or what I write about. Having said that, it would be nice to get more traffic and feedback! And I will be adding the LIKE button, thanks!

  3. I think Google will one day use the “Like” button in its algorithm. I’ll back that up with this:

    1. Google added the Twitter timeline to some of its search results because it knows there is real “news” on Twitter.
    2. Google takes into account when you hit the back button after clicking on a search result. If everyone hits the back button seconds after arriving, Google begins to believe that result isn’t the best result for the search query.
    3. Video, press releases and articles move swiftly to the top of the search results because Google feels they have relevancy.

    So I ask you this. . .wouldn’t 1,000 people clicking the “like” button mean something when compared to another post with 5 clicks?

  4. Bruce Avatar

    I Like the “Like” button! Of course, I liked Become a Fan, but the Facebook guys didn’t ask my opinion before they made the big switch. 🙂

    You know I love Fan Pages and offer that as a service through my business. It’s just a great way to connect with your clients and potential clients and allow direct communications, plus fan pages are indexed in the search engines now along with Twitter posts.

    I clicked the “Like” button for you Dan. I liked your post…I really liked it! 🙂


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