Ijust returned from the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop today that David Perdew put on. I’m pretty excited and will be Tweeting about it all week.
In case you’re not familiar with the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop and products, David Perdew has put together a “community college” for all who want to be an affilite in niche markets. He’s created products like the Niche Mall, the Niche Widget and a 10 part video series called Niche Cash Generator that allow budding internet marketers to go from nothing to “in business” in a matter of minutes.
What’s great about NAMS is that it is not a pitch fest, in fact it is truly a hands-on workshop. Lynn Terry, Kathleen Gage, Mark Hendricks, Joe Marsh, David Perdew, David Preston, Alex Syseof, the WordPress Wizard and many more have taught at the workshop.
During this last workshop, 4 of the internet marketing experts put on a live, recorded “teleseminar” about how to create and sells products in 90 minutes. It was fantastic to get a step by step plan from the experts, which really breaks it down and makes it very simple. Buy that teleseminar for yourself here. In fact, in 90 minutes this teleseminar was thought up, created, recorded and put on-line to be sold. That was awesome.
I’ll be sure to link up all the videos, chat and new products here over the weekend. Enjoy the day!
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