So Pinterest is really hot these days. I seem to find more people talking about it than Facebook and Google Plus combined. Unlike Google Plus, however, people aren’t talking about Pinterest – they’re talking about the cool stuff they found there.

Hmmm. . . cool stuff, eh?

If people are finding cool stuff there, do you think your audience would like to hear about that cool stuff?

Making Money With PinterestHow can you use your boards as a resource for your customers? I imagine you have some who haven’t been to yet, which means they’re missing out on that value you’re providing there. So I came up with some ideas:

Why don’t you try this? Take 10 pins from one of your boards and turn it into a blog post about ___________(?).

Take 3 pins and make a “3 Best Ideas About _________(?)” email to your list

Take Screen Shots of the pins on your board and turn them into a video on Animoto. Send the link to your list

Make a Friday Blog Series “This week’s coolest Pins”.

Because really, why send your audience to Pinterest when you can bring the cool stuff to them?

If you want to learn more about Pinterest, take a look at our Making Money with Pinterest video. Had you any idea there were that many books about Pinterest? There are definitely some people thinking way ahead.

Take their lead, think ahead. Obviously those authors did.  For More on Niche Internet Marketing Click here.