SEO Internal Link Structure

Dan: So, I want really hi-tech this time, super high-tech. I want straight to Microsoft word. So I want even worst hi-tech. I want safe mode, low tech and even make it a pdf. That makes easy as possible. So now, if you are thinking this is a way low tech, I can even listen to this but I’m just sorry. But I’m hoping that you’re thinking that this guy would put a webinar with word I can definitely put on my own webinar. Because it’s not too hard. Alright, this is what we are doing today. We are week 3 or 4 session SEO program, the first week we did is basically the overview of SEO and we did a little bit about keyword research. Last week, we did keyword research and we talk about other places to find good keywords to find people what they are looking for, what they are buying. So this week, we gonna about SEO from the inside and about getting internal links.So we gonna try things that you can do inside your site before going out that will help your SEO. So first things first. I’ve said before, SEO is the art of proving relevancy. Google, Bing, Yahoo, Youtube, they are all companies and business to make money. The only way that they make money is they return results. And that result is relevant. If that’s not relevant, we go to other search engine like Bing. So we have to prove that our site, when I say site, I mean webpage, I mean blog post, I mean WordPress page, whatever it is that have unique URL.

We have to prove that the page is the most relevant site on the net. That’s our goal. So the first thing we gonna talk is the tying your shoes.No matter what super good running training you go to, it doesn’t matter who you get. They’re going to expect that you tie your shoes first. That’s just one of the basic. There’s no exception to this rule. None! Google, Yahoo, Youtube, Bing, there’s no exception! All the stuff is just gonna be like tie your shoes. You just need to do it. Here we are in the page now, this particular website is studied by SEO school’s over the world. This is like epitome of SEO. This site is unbelievable. So first thing is tying your shoes will just like to train your puppy, bar puppy, puppy training bar. These are the keywords that page is all about.This page has a title. Every page has a title. So you need a title. So we need to be focus on the keywords we are going about. We know what people care about just by looking for what people are searching for. So number 1 is page title. It can be different from your post title. And you have the opportunity to create page title. Number 2 is post title. This is a WordPress page title and this is for the reader. That is the number 1 and number 2 things. These are the first two places to know what your page is all about. So those 2, this is some degree is considered a little bit keyword stuffing. So why do they have slashes in the page title, they call it a bar. It’s not important in the search engine. So those are the first 2 things in tying your shoes.

The next thing that we have to do is to have contents that is relevant. Now the search engine is so good on what words that describes a page that you really need to write it very much about and kind of words to that. Make sure that these kinds of words show up on your page, these are related to your keywords. Now we have how to train a puppy, we have a keyword. One of a thing about using a strong tag or bold face tag is that the search engine if people reading your page and you bold everything, they gonna stop coming. So bold is one of the things that you cannot take advantage. So they give search engine a little bit clues. Notice here that he use internet structures, an anchor text. Now at the bottom of this page, think below that one thing that is related to puppy training.Now, go to those pages, there’s a good chance that they have a how to train a puppy links. So when the search engine is go down with the page, then it must clear to search engine that it’s all about how to train a puppy.It is very clear!We are trying to prove the relevant of this page. So we’re working on the page. Each page has its own website. If you don’t have links on the bottom, do you have links on the side bar going to other place on your site. Throughout the entire page, you be hard press to prove yourself that this page is about how to train a puppy. So are those links helping provide relevance to this page to the page that is on and if there are, can you make a dynamic side bars so that everything on the page screens what your topic is all about. So you could see here classic green bean casserole in the first part. We have another question?

Darren: For example, around a coupon, so then what else?

Dan: So, one of the question is have a money saving blogs and post a lot of coupon. We definitely didn’t post links to the expired ones but as far as coupon go, any of these are categories of this site. We definitely create to link back up to the category page. We will have a categories to different parts so that those kinds of things one on the side bar. So that would be our goal, to link as many category pages as we can so that we can have more audience to the coupons that is not expired but relevant to their mindset. I’m more interested here that loves. I don’t see Huggies coupons. You also have to use your human brain when it comes to the keywords. Target manufacturers. We get Huggies and pampers down here. It’s exactly the same.

Darren: Can we reinforces the structure that gets narrower, narrower and go up to categories.

Dan: I export in the excel and create the mini list and start comparing. I have to do few more searches.You can see how all of these words wipes Huggies manufacturers coupons. So this is kind of the stuff that we want on the page.Example for babies, I only use Huggies and I don’t use other brand. This is the reflection of not only people search but the common words that show up in pages that rank for pampers coupon. So all the page across the net so typically web publishers write about pampers and don’t use diapers, what is out there is what is relevant and what is not. We lose relevance in the search engine because we’re talking on what they don’t understand. Our goal is to be as similar exactly to what search engine is expect, what they scan everyday, what they believe that is relevant because they post only relevant, there are millions of millions scans on the web. So we take about tie your shoes in my super technical powerpoint presentation.

We will also talk about Bio-imaging. We gonna learn something, I’m hoping. We will about to learn lessons. Alright, our next thing is Bio-imaging, right? So anyway, this wonderful lady has a great site and this page is all about learning disability, so you look over here in the side bar you see that all learning disability are here in the site. The keywords are there, the text are there, and the links are there. Here are some more text and this text is nothing to do with learning disability twitter. She’s the best by the way. We don’t really need this text to change the density of what page is all about. So in order to prevent any chance that is not relevant, we type this in here and previous the page and use screen capture tool and take image. So, this picture doesn’t add to this SEO of this page, this is just an image. So, I talk about Bio-imaging, I’m saying that if on your site, there are sections that has an add that’s not only a text. You don’t really need that section to be the text. You need them to take away from Google, reading the actual page. When I say Bio-imaging, I’m saying take your bios and turn to images.

Darren: To recap that, you’re taking the text turning into image and what image is about.

Dan: Somebody asking me, How do they get if they have great post or guest authors. How do they get the bio on the bottom of this guest author’s page. I said, if you use hooks in Genesis and Thesis, assign the sign the hook to the tag or category. Then you can go, take the image or the bio, in the end of every post, add this bio image. When Google returns the result, so do you need a bio in the end of every post? The answer to that is definitely No, you don’t need a bio at the end of any post ever but you need the reader to do something. You need them to leave comment, to go to your ebook page, you need to do something and interact. So no page on your page needs to be a question. Given them to interact. On your page, make sure that you have a phone. Take them in your highest Adsense page in the highest category. So, make them go somewhere and do something. So, the idea of internal structure is make sure that if this was about and they have a section about anything that about that topic should be related to that topic. It is must have to be more relevant than everyone else. Next week, we gonna talk about giving links to come back to your side but now, you are 75% of the way there if you set up the structure of your site. Right? Everything in here is country porch. That’s why that’s the most relevant because they don’t give search engine to believe it that it’s about something else. So what happen when you cover different topics within this niche. This page is about Christmas, so it doesn’t matter if you write 10 different topics, you need to have 10 different styles, 10 sections of your site that is relevant. If you want search engine traffic, you need to show them that you’re relevant to stay inside the niche. Stop thinking your whole site and think about your individual post. Anything that has a unique URL that you should think about. I don’t understand the widget post come to be. I’m a blogger and that’s great. Are you really helping them, are you helping them smarter and give them interest in reading? You really need to focus on something.

Darren: That maybe fine. From purchase to back purchase decorations that doesn’t gonna matter.

Dan: I’m suggesting that you talk to your web guy that you totally get rid of that, the next post last post instead in your copy, at the bottom of your post, if you want them to see your last post, you have to tell them. The only thing you can show is post that is related to the tag or category. From now on, think about your reader and not about the tools that WordPress give you because they did built in to make you rich so take some of this tool presence. I have to use the tools at its best. How do you manage your side bar for each section? Each side we have dynamic side bar.

So the question is if you have a post that you want to exclude from the related post plugin, why did you write it or put it that in the category. If you don’t want to show up why did you write it. Use a special plugin to have different side bar. Yes, there’s custom a side bar in the WordPress. Tell your web guy to set that for you. Leave them with the idea that your sidebar is part of your page. Widget logic? I don’t know about widget logic. I’v never try it yet. Do you know your basic task? Okay, so now we talk about text that doesn’t make any senses. Know your basic task seriously, have a title to your page. There are four pillar of SEO. Titles or tags, contents, social media, time and press release are being relevant. One of those things is traffic or social interaction. Next we talk about how we get it from the outside and now we’re talking on how we get it on the inside. Make something awesome and people will link to it and increase your social media score. We gonna talk about local. So, if you do anything local, anything like speaker. This is it, this is exactly right here. There are two things, messages for your local. These things have to be the same everywhere. Now I’m talking about info search, Google pages, Bing, Facebook page, every single page, Google first cause the info search to figure out where everyone is. So even on a google page, even on the bosom of that, it can have a related page based on the address. Do not waiver ever, exactly. You don’t need to put sacramental everywhere. In fact, watch this puppy training. This guy who used to be number 1 so no matter how good is that SEO is, you gonna take over at that point especially if you’re local.

Puppy training is not totally local term. SEO is the art of proving relevancy. Is that makes sense? Yes or No? The second thing is that you think of website as webpages not as your fool site. And 3, do you see the importance of your tie a shoes? 4, do you understand the side bar play a role in the overall page? Create post, comment, ebook, another post or what you are doing. That’s SEO, Back links, we gonna talk about next week. I need way for more links. Make it the most important page. Your home page is gonna rank for a keyword cluster. Always include the read more and make sure you different topics link to different topics. You really need links coming back to it. Your question is about strategy, do you want to have a link on the category or in the bottom or your post. So your question is a strategy question, what do you want people to do? So yeah, make sure you should tell them what to do, leave a comment, buy an ebook. We are doing something special next month. We’re doing an e-class, a 3-week e-class starting second week of February. So we have relational tutorial in mondays.

Darren: Yeah, it would be on monday.

Dan: We’re going to do a class on SEO that will totally help you in your pages, tip-top shape. February is a short month so it’s a 3 week thing. So we are gong to recall everything and turn a 3 week process. What else? So what we are doing in February, we might be doing webinar, we might be doing a video. So February, we gonna rock, it’s total personalize. What else we gonna talk about SEO from the inside. Next week, we will talk SEO from the outside.Any question about SEO from the inside? Was that clear? Was it helpful? Are you totally confuse now? Any of that?

Darren: 15 percent increase in the number of subscribers week after next, week talk about how to increase your youtube subscriber into 15% in just one hour.

Dan: I’m sorry for I kept you that long. Next week, we do outside, next week, we do e-class. Anything else?

Darren: I’ve learned a lot, take a lot of notes, I said before SEO is not my thing. It gives me ideas on things we need to do. Alright, so see you next week.



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