Dan: Alright, last week we talked about the concept of search engine optimization and the role of keywords. Tonight we’re going to spend time talking about where we can find keywords. I’m not going to spend more time talking about market samuria, word tracker or brainstorm tools or we have done. There are several videos from freeweeklymastermind that we actually show you how to go in the brainstorm tools search for something, look for supply and demand, index that shows you what the most probable keywords, so that part is one of this.I wanna talk about is other strategies to find keywords, to find what people are searching for. Specifically, our goal here is business, how do we figure out, why is these people are willing to trade money for, what it is the value, what they want to watch, what they want to do, what they want to read, what they provide. Ultimately, we definitely want to provide information that our audience need, we doesn’t know their need, not hard to find because most of time, people searching for the big issues but they are times that there are things you would know, the information just really in present. To night we gonna figure out what is people want to know, how do we gonna figure it out, I’m gonna stay away from keyword tools because there are so many other ways. Alright, so what keywords can tell us about things, what is commercial and non commercial keywords. where to figure out where our audience is, when is the best time to put our keywords in front of our audience, when is the best time to sell to your audience, when is the best time to want what they have, and how do we strictly get and give them. So, first of all, people are searching for solutions to problems, so solutions are what we’re trying to figure out.
Keywords can tell us what information that makes them stick around and drives people to community. So, this is very simple and more interesting. How can we find out what it is what people want to know, what things they are searching for, what questions they are asking, what are the words they are using in this question, how they are wording their question. For one thing, so people put together frequently asked questions on their site, they are unbelievably ridiculous. So the question is for you, how these help you with your site, how can we turn these kinds of questions into content, can we answer the question directly on wikianswers with the link back to our site. You can go to yahoo answers with basically the same thing, search in twitter or in forums or in facebook groups but ultimately what is it that people are
looking for. So now, I looked down in list and I see the word cook for raw food, I wanna search cook in raw food. We see the word raw and the word food. So here’s the place that you find what people are looking for, this is a content generation. Another great place what people are buying ultimately, what keywords they actually buy, if you buy book in amazon.com, you were searching for book on raw food and you pick the book, the thing you go on is the title, title is keyword. Amazon for example, I search for raw food, if you scroll down, you get the product details, you can now and get find the best seller in the healthy and special diet in cook and wine section. Another place, Magazines. Magazines covers are designed to sell. The only you can sell in the cover is word. What are the words on the magazines in your niche, I mean go through all the magazines in your niche and just see what is it that you’re selling. So where we can find out keywords that are actually working, actually producing results? One way to do that is Ezinearticles, go to Ezinearticles.com and then put a space and put your niche keyword. You gonna find every article in ezinearticles that is written in a particular topic.Now the very bottom of each of those articles if you scroll down is the number of times the article has been viewed since ezinearticles is largely organic search base, people are driving traffic there so take a look in the articles if that articles is being found in the internet often, then that’s the keyword you probably wanna go after that something people looking for. Youtube vidoes as well, search youtube for your niche topic and sort by the most viewed videos because people are watching it so what does it mean to you. Let’s go back to wayback machine. The wayback machine took the URL from the best seller in Amazon, I picked two dates, I picked 2008 and 2011. Ant it brought back the page what it look like back in 2008, that’s the page actually look like, and it’s in no.2. August 2011, this is what the page look like, it’s no. 2.
So people also like information that makes them smarter, so like I said before that ezinearticles, number of views. If you search for the word infographics on the google or anywhere and put your niche name after that, you’re going to find lots of infographics about the thing you talked about.I put gardening and I grab 3 from this, you can get all kinds of keywords and contents thoughts. It is good research to do in your niche. So, we obviously talked about how we turn our writing career or blog, how we turn our investment, our time and money. To some degree, we’re looking for keywords that bring people help solve problems because when we are a problem solver, we are helping someone move up to the next level, when we solve their problems, they are happy and thankful.When thinking about problem, that’s the kind of thing people buy so how is it that we take keywords and evolve it to what people buy.
If you have a blog or niche site where you’re product based or coupon based or something that people need all the time like diverse, you can capture that traffic, you can bring back again and again and purchase over and over. Collectibles are obviously people buy. So there are some other ways that we can call over traffic together and let the traffic itself produces keywords.There are questions being asked during your webinar. Those questions can be cultivate into emails and blog post. Those are real questions people have. Those are real way people gazed. So we will look inside your form, look inside other’s people form, what are the question being asked, what are the topic ideas, what are the people talking over and over, why is that people are interested in. So, we’ve got some keywords, we know what people want, we know what kind of question they want, we know what problems they have, we understand the direction they’re going, the books they’re buying. We can take those keywords turn into content, we can turn that content into products and to things that you could sell.So, we don’t really guess what they’re buying, we have to know what they are buying. We just have to provide the same level of value. You can have a physical books. Kunaki is a distribution center and they distribute CD’s and DVD’s. For people, I can put this webinar and put it in DVD. So here’s some information products, list of ways to deliver it, these are service products too. No matter what you do if you have a products, you should create a service to support it or vice versa, create product to support your service. One thing that you can’t tell from keywords is when you can sell something. I think it really takes effort to figure out.
There are ways we figure out besides our own thought when we can sell thing. First of all is Google trends. Google trends is fantastic. Google.com/trends. Google trends is a great way to figure out the course of the year, your marketing counter, what you’re talking about and when. So then what’s hip? All kind of trends magazines. Keeping up those kinds of things means you’re keeping up with your audience. Make sure you’re following what the audience is. Now, you still have to do of the puzzle is to figure out at what point in the process in the twitter do I need the keywords to show up. You know the keywords, we have to know when we can use them. So, the next step are after this call is to figure out what your audience is already buying. Go to Amazon, Youtube, itunes- look at the podcast, then you know what they’re buying, compare that to the questions they’re asking, figure out what kind of questions are leading, go to your competitor’s site, figure out what they are selling. Make sure when you’re doing all these steps, what you’re doing with your keywords, what you’re doing with your contents, matches where your audience is that.
Squidoo is one of the most viewed sites on the net all the time. The size of your niche doesn’t have to be hundred thousand pages. Nextweek, we gonna start talking about SEO form inside. We gonna talk about factors you do on site to improve your search engine optimization. We talk about SEO from the outside, what things do you do outside to improve your SEO but the stuff in the inside is more important than the outside. We do have how to get your ebook in freeweeklymastermind. It is step by step. See you Guys nextweek.
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