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All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday. Today we spoke about Star Trek, Taco Bell, Snapchat, Bitcoin, Netflix, WhatsApp, Kate Kastner, Amazon, Matt Mullenweg and more

[Tweet Sometimes “No” changes the world as seen by Brooke Birmingham & Rosa Parks via @amplifypodcast”]

More Star Trek analogy “We’re not getting swallowed by the Borg…”
Molly Kate Kastner Shared by the Star Trek funny guy George Takei
Amazon starts streaming music
Surround Sound System Made with iPhones
Audibly. Peer to peer wifi. One person with the song then broadcasts it to friends.
Taco Bell is using SnapChat . . the beefy crunchy burrito 16 handles
Pinterest New Search Engine – trying to become the visual search engine site versus just a sharing platform
Pinterest Guided Search

[catlist name=productivity numberposts=3]
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