QUESTION #2 of 2
We want to help you
Rachel and I have been full-time
online entrepreneurs
since 2008.
And we have done quite a bit since then.
We want to use our expertise to help you.
When we finally broke through
from that period of just churning out content
and growing an audience
and always being "busy",
it's because we hired an expert to come look
at our plan.
That's when we could finally see
the big pieces we were missing.
we run multiple six figure launches every year.
We have grown a blog to 900,000+ fans
We have turned a blog into a
Penguin Random House book deal
and got on the Today Show.
We have run 3 podcasts
and now write for Podcast Magazine.
We have held workshops
all over the globe.
We've sold physical merchandise,
digital products and
in person services.
We want to spend 4 hours straight with you
working on whatever you want to work.
Then two weeks later we want to spend
2 hours with you.
Then a month later we
want to do a :30 minute call.
Zoom, Phone, In-person - whatever suits you.
4 + 2 + :30
We'd love to be your mentors. :)
Just $499 with BC Stack.
p.s. How does this work you ask?
Well, you'll get an email right away asking you to pick out a date between now and September (excluding the week of July 10th).
Then we'll ask you to send us an email talking about what you want to accomplish. Even if that means "I just want help to get this whole thing started". That will tell us if we need to bring my parents over for the meeting.
Then we'll meet and make lots of progress and decide on our next meeting time. Easy Peasy.

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