Rock Climbers must rely on one another to climb mountains. “On belay” is the term one climber signals to the other that the rope is anchored and climbing can begin. 

We have been teaching our Audience Approach System around the globe to thousands of bloggers, business owners and online marketers for the past 5 years. We are ready to steady the rope for you. 

On Belay!

There is no stronger way to build a business that affords you vacations, a full time income and the ability to sell when you’re ready.

Starting September 12th for 6 weeks we invite you to learn the System and grow your business the solid way. 



WEEK 1: The Foundation

You might have the wrong audience.  You may have been blogging for 9 years already, but just haven’t done the numbers to figure out that who you’ve attracted aren’t the people who are going to get you to the Promised Land. 

So we are going to start by assessing our audience. Who are they. Are they the right crew? How long do they stay and how quickly do you need to be growing to overcome your attrition rate. (You do know that some of your past readers aren’t around anymore – that’s normal.)

Then our 2nd most important step is identifying our business model. This is equally important for newbies and those at the book publishing phase of the business as both activities are still business builders. How is our business going to derive long term revenue, what audience are we ultimately building, and what are the deliverables for our audience. We will help you determine what your business needs, the priority of those needs, and what needs to be done to finish building a strong career blogging foundation. 

WEEK 2: Highest and Best Use of Time

What is the best use of your time on a day to day basis? Many labor to produce new content everyday even though new content might not be what is growing the business. We are going to show you three key pieces of data you should be reviewing weekly to make “use of time” determinations. We’re also going to implement the Motive Matrix giving you two things to primarily focus on each quarter (ie cash flow, traffic, business growth, products, clout, systems)

WEEK 3: The Content Plan

The content plan is the business. Producing content today to post tonight ignores our audience, our statistics, our monetization and our long term growth. We need to understand our content plan in advance so we can presell what’s coming, be more nimble to changes and make sure that everything maintains a standard. This week we focus on keywords, audience needs, statistics to create a plan.

Primarily, we need to know the highest and best use of time when it comes to content. How do we make it pay off?

WEEK 4: Audience Engagement Plan

The most important part of our business is the filter: Our messaging. We must determine the X factor that makes our business special, different and defensible. And incorporate that into our calls to action, products, blog posts, status updates, etc. . . Why people like our posts, comment on our writing, follow us on social media and tweet us determines what products they will buy, what actions they will follow, how many page views they will give us. Our messaging needs to filter in the audience that will build our business and become our community and filter out the folks that will just cost us money.

What are the activities that make the most sense to focus on?

WEEK 5: Clusters Marketing 

There are millions of people who want what you have, what you write about, what products you create. They just don’t know you exist yet. Standing in front of the clusters of people who’ve already gathered together is the most efficient from of marketing.  Hashtags, guest appearances, banner retargeting, bouncebacks, SEO, Facebook targeting, ebay and Amazon are all fantastic places to perform marketing activities. What are the right mix for you? And sometimes the book you are writing can be the most effective marketing tool if you understand what to put in it. 

So what do we focus on? What is our highest and best use of time when it comes to Marketing?

WEEK 6: Escape Velocity

What if you get a cool job offer, do you just quit? What if your mother gets sick and needs you to care for her full time? What if you get injured and can’t work? There is no way to retire. Thing about that. How does it end?

There is no real way to get a return from your site unless you can sell it and get a multiple for your efforts. We’re going to talk about what numbers and assets you need to have to be able to sell your site for a multiple. Building your business with an end in mind gives you purpose, provides a safety net. We’re also going to be helping to create an emergency outsourcing plan and systems document in the event you need help.

That moment when a post on your Facebook page gets shared 199 times in one day. May not sound like much but it is HUGE for me. 

Oh and it’s a post driving traffic to my blog because I took Dan and Rachel’s advice to be a creator not a curator. Thank you for helping me to see I am an expert! 

Penny Woodfin Rogers
One Crazy Adventure in Autismland

I would echo this for people on the fence. We had a website review done over a year ago. Implements many suggestions. First 3 months of 2015 we made more than the whole year of 2014.

I was able to quit my job which I hated and now blog full time.

Katrina Thom

Holy Cow! I cannot say enough good things about the info I received. There were small practical ideas, medium effort options and Mack-Daddy Million Dollar ideas that are literal game changers . . .

I am very pleased!!! It will pay for itself several times over. 

Lesli Peterson
365 Atlanta Family


On Belay begins September 12th with plans for success and completion October 17th

 1st Week
Lesson and Tasks Assigned: Sep 12th
Live Guidance Session: Sep 14th

2nd Week 
Audit, Lesson and Task Assigned: Sep 18th
Live Tracking & Growing Discussion: Sep 21st

3rd Week
Accountability, Tracking and Task Assigned: Sep 25th
Content Plan Q&A Live Session:  Sep 28th

4th Week
Efficiency Week Tasks Assigned: Oct 4th
Measurement Audit Live Meeting: Oct 7th

5th Week
Marketing Tasks Pushed Out: Oct 11th
Overall Audit & Maintenance Live Call: Oct 14th

6th Week
Business Planning Tasks Assigned: Oct 18th
Giant Push to go Solo Live Webinar: Oct 21st

This is NOT a group program. 

Each week Dan and Rachel are going to guide you and your site through the Audience Approach System of building your business and income. 

Assignments, Lessons and Tasks will come out on Wednesday . . . and will be sent to your email. 

Discussion, clarification and help can take place in our secured Facebook meeting room during the week. 

On Mondays at 9:30 pm cst we’ll host a live call to answer questions, audit tasks and keep people accountable to their growth (video not necessary). 

Tuesday of each week Rachel and Dan will host a “morning after” call to talk about the discussion and all the “eureka moments” we had the moment the call ended and woke up with. 

All calls are recorded and will be available to you forever. You won’t even need a login, just download them to your computer. 


May have a book or product, but no clamoring audience to buy copies.
You know you are close, but something is still missing
Have income, but it comes from one primary source.
Have traffic, but it too comes from one primary source and isn’t steadily growing.
Have done a ton of work on your business, but are still never sure what you should be doing. 
Have a great blog, but are still producing content the week it is to be published. 
Suffering from burnout . . .
Ready to have your own line of products
Think their business is different and can’t be helped by these ideas.

It was not designed for you, if:

You are already executing your exit plan
You don’t need money, but blog for fun.
You are not open to doing things a different way. 
You are our friend, Julie Cole.
You believe business success is just one easy step away
You are a Professional Learner, and are happy where you are.
You just want to do Sponsored Posts
Or. . . conversely you think it’s wrong to make money from your blog


We hear that all the time. 

My people don’t have money. 
My audience isn’t online. 
My people don’t want to buy any product
My people hate it when I try to sell them something. . . 

We know your business is different. That’s one of the core mission statements of Blogging Concentrated. If you don’t know that your site is different, you’re destined to fail through comparison alone. . . 

Over the past 5 years our clients who felt their site was different are now: 

Selling over $100,000/month in digital weightlifting products
Making more than $50,000/month in coupon prints
Getting over 240,000 pageviews per day
Seeing their articles translated into more than 24 languages
Getting $3,000 to make Sponsored Videos
Growing Facebook communities to over 10,000, 75,000 and 150,000 in six months
Hosting their own National live in person niche conferences
Making six figures with Adsense
Selling thousands of nutritional products per month in TV infomercials
Making $34,000/month in membership site dues
Selling thousands of dollars of printables on Teachers Pay Teachers each month


First Come First Serve. Once 30 have signed up, On Belay is closed.


We really want this to help you move the needle on your business. One thing we really want you to master in your business is your SEO. So we’d like to give you our 21 Day SEO Challenge product free. Thousands of bloggers have taken the program for $97. We’d like you to take the course for free as part of this program. On us.

Just want to give a shout-out to Blogging Concentrated and their SEO Challenge. I have learned A TON! I have worked very very hard to implement the concepts I have learned here, using keywords, trying to give people what they are looking for, creating incoming links, etc., and it really starting to pay off. My Google traffic is up, and so is my income! June was an awesome month for me, and I finally met a goal I have been working toward for a long time. Thanks guys!

Jennifer Roper Stott
Jen’s Favorite Cookies


FAQ #1: What if I need a complete one-on-one experience?

On Belay has two participation levels. If you’d like to go to the more one-on-one experience, contact us. Due to the intensity, we are only offering 3 one-on-one On Belay subscriptions. Along with all of the above, your program will include 6 one-on-one calls to go over your specific tasks, and a group thread with Dan and Rachel.  On Belay Level 2 is $3,000 for the 6 Week Intensive. 

FAQ #2: What if I miss a live call?

All calls will be recorded and uploaded to the private Facebook group within the day for you to access the recording. For accountability purposes you’ll always feel like you’re making progress when you show up live but I am a total realist and we all know that sometimes life get’s in the way. Your best option is to schedule some time to catch up before the next session

FAQ #3: What if I have a product business or a multi level or network marketing business?

This program is ideal for service and product based businesses alike. However this program is designed to help you build a long term business. MLM’s and Direct Marketing Companies are monetization strategies. We appreciate their value as a monetization strategy but that is all.  You still need a core business that builds an audience, sells other products and creates assets to grow. 

FAQ #4: Do I get any one-on-one time with Dan and Rachel?

There will be plenty of opportunity on our weekly calls to get your questions asked and answered. We’ll also be in the private Facebook group on a daily basis to answer your questions and cheer you on. If you want any additional guidance, see #1 above. 

I know you’re busy. You’ll always be busy. Let’s make life easier, now! 

If not now then when?  Before Halloween?  Over Thanksgiving? During Channukah?  Between Christmas and New Year’s?  Now is the time.