TrustedNerd gets Google Glass


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On today’s episode we talk about Jonathan Yaniv, Cassey Ho, Ben Bernanke, Leonard Maltin, YouTube 360, Connor Franta, Blood Oximeters, BuzzFeed, GrowConference, CES, Google Ads. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.
Listen to the latest from the Amplify Podcast




Jonathan Yaniv – Trusted Nerd Casey Ho – Blogilates
amplify-podcast-jonathan-yanivMentioned Article:
WearblesTwitter: @trustednerd
Facebook: TrustedNerdWeb
Amplify Podcast - Casey Ho - Blogilates
Mentioned Article: Casey Ho Social Media Fitness EntrepreneurTwitter: @blogilates
YouTube: blogilates


Self photoshop job

Ben Bernanke Blogs

Leonard Maltin podcast

YouTube and 360 degrees

Connor Franta gets top selling book

Blood Meter

Google looks to compete with Facebook Ad technology

Interesting look at BuzzFeed

Google / YouTube Ads

Grow Conference


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  1. […] TrustedNerd gets Google Glass […]

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