Marty McFly’s YFK Hoverboard


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Blogging and Bloggers, YouTube, Dancing with the Stars, Back to the Future, Google Cast, Amazon Workspace, Manger Blog, Twitter Where Have You Been, Facebook Armageddon, CES. All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.



Mimi Thorrison Jeff Bezos

Mentioned Article:
Crazy Blogger story

Blog: Manger
Facebook: Mimi Thorrison
Instagram: MimiThor

Mentioned Article:
Amazon FirePhone Failure – belief statement?

Wikipedia: Jeff Bezos Wiki
Biography: Jeff’s bio

[Tweet “Believeability and Originality are the foundation of blogs – Alvin Lim via @amplifypodcast”]

Back to the future’s 2015 hoverboard

Back to the future’s 2015 hoverboard

Google Cast Speakers, huh?

Amazon is taking on Dropbox

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

Instagram worth way more than Facebook paid for it


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