41 Awesome Resources for Video (Episode 41)


Amplify41 [iframe style=”border:none” src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/3032966/height/100/width/480/thumbnail/yes/theme/legacy” height=”100″ width=”380″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen]Today we spoke about veetle, spreecast Google hangout, livestream, ustream, mailvu, eyejot, bombomb, vostit, videoemail, vostit, jivestream, benchmarkemail, goanimate, videoefx, xtranormal, twitch, screencast, camtasia, brightcove, dailymotion, youtube, blip.tv, vimeo, revver, veoh, hang w/, tout, cinchcast, tipcast, fightme, vine, powerpoint, prezi, animoto, googleawesome, onetruemedia, tripwow, slidemotion, stupefix, bloggingvids.

All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.

[Tweet “I guess the Simpson’s knew what they were doing from the start”]


Derral Eves Phillip DeFranco
Mentioned Article:
No mention of Derral in this episode, we just decided he’s our YouTube Superstar of the day.Blog: DerralEves.com
Twitter: @DerralEves
YouTube: Derral on YouTube
phillip-defranco-videoMentioned Article:
No mention of Phillip in this episode, we just decided he’s our YouTube Superstar of the day.

Blog: PhillyD.TVa
Twitter: @PhillyD
YouTube: Phillip on YouTube


veetle, spreecast Google hangout, livestream, ustream, mailvu, eyejot, bombomb, vostit, videoemail, vostit, jivestream, benchmarkemail, goanimate, videoefx, xtranormal, twitch, screencast, camtasia, brightcove, dailymotion, youtube, blip.tv, vimeo, revver, veoh, hang w/, tout, cinchcast, tipcast, fightme, vine, powerpoint, prezi, animoto, googleawesome, onetruemedia, tripwow, slidemotion, stupefix, bloggingvids.


[catlist name=video-and-image-marketing numberposts=3]


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