6 out of 7 aren’t

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Today we talk about Facebook’s billion, YCombinator, Dropbox, Reddit, Roxio, YouTube Gaming, T-Mobile, Facebook’s M, Timedog, Matt Cherry, Streaka, Periscope, Meerkat and Blab.
All the tech, social media and blog headlines that Bloggers love, need and use everyday.
Listen to the latest from the Amplify Podcast



Matt Cherry Leah Segedie
Matt CherryMentioned Article:
Matt Cherry’s Time Dog Twitter: @iblogmag
Website: iblogmagazine.com
Facebook: Matt Cherry
Leah Segedie
Mentioned Article:
Leah Segedie Website: mamavation.com
Twitter: @bookieboo
Conference: shiftconmedia.com


Big names have come from Y Combinator

Facebook hits 1 billion in a day


Youtube gaming has launched

Tmobile will not block The Pirate Bay

Facebook’s M

Rise of the third party

Live Streaming Sites



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